8:00AM – 8:00PM

Monday to Friday

6412 Brandon Ave. Ste 337

Springfield, VA 22150

C: 703-203-6399

About WSM


Willing Steward Ministries, LLC is a God-focused ministry serving those who love God and are called for His purposes.  We are serving our Father “Willingly and Cheerfully” and we are determined to be “Good Stewards” over what God entrusts to us.  We will serve each ministry that we touch with this commitment first and foremost in our hearts and minds.  Our goal is to serve the Christian community by helping churches efficiently and effectively manage God’s finances! We bring 30 years of service to churches to our clients along with current techniques and practices SPECIFIC to the needs of the church that are IRS approved.

We also offer a stewardship education series focused on the biblical application of Christian stewardship in the overall management of God’s resources in God’s house.  Our educational series serves as a help-meet to the pastoral ministry by educating the leadership and congregation on biblically-sound stewardship principles. Our ministry has helped enlighten the body of Christ on what God expects us to do as we travel on our Christian walk. In doing so, many have increased their overall support of their local church ministry through their tithes, sacrificial offerings and volunteerism.

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