Each year, I approach Ash Wednesday and the Lenten Season as a time of serious, character-building, soul-searching, come-to-Jesus-and-tell-it-all opportunity. Time just seems to fly by with all of the responsibiities of just living but each year I have become more and more determined to slow it down and reflect. This season has been really good for me because I’ve once again discovered a new reality that I can simply step into if I choose another path. There are so many things in my life that I can simply do without. As I fast from some things that I really love, I’m finding it much easier than I thought to do without. So, I pray that I’m pruning for a new leaf and new bud that can be of help to my Christian Walk and in the life of someone else. Join me as I reflect on who I really am and who I should be. Pull out your mirror. It’s time to let some things go……..