praying over open bible
willingsteward No Comments

I sometimes find it amazing how everything continues to change and evolve.  Even though we don’t really like change, no one cares because life continually evolves and we are forced to change – whether we like it or not.  This is a season of change for me and I’m trying not to buck against progress (smile) and embrace all of the wonderful things God has in store for me if I will just trust Him in this season.  I can even sense the great blessing that is in store for me yet I find myself a bit hesitate to jump in the boat and set sail.  Are you in a season of change like me? What we can be sure of is His guaranteed return for our meager investment of trust!  His promises are the only sure thing we can count on and we should never hesitate to change directions if we know that is His Will for our lives. I think I’m going to take that boat trip now.  Come on…..Come on……He’s a guaranteed investment and we can’t lose betting on Him.